Things I hate

31 10 2008

I hate many things.  No, I’m not a grumpy bastard, but there are many things that just grind my gears, so I’ve decided to use the blog to vent a little.  The first thing I hate is those damn TV shows, blog posts, newspaper articles etc where they try to give a Top 10, Top 100, (Top whatever) and always end up forcing out a few terrible final examples.  Therefore, rather than trying this tired aspect of “journalism”, I’m just going write as many as I can think of, when I think of them.  Expect more angry posts in the future..

Painfully annoying things #1: Idiots who are SO into the whole god and country idea that, when the National Anthem plays, they feel they have to have their hand on their heart.  Ok, fair enough, it shows that it means something to you, but for the love of God (or Buddha, etc) WHY the hell do you need to put your hand INSIDE YOUR JACKET TO BE CLOSER TO YOUR HEART?!!!!!!  Do you really think that if you are touching your chest during the Anthems, that half a centimeter of cloth and padding is going to stop whatever magic you think is important from happening?  If so, why not take your shirt off and do things properly?  I could bring a scalpel next time and we could actually peel your skin back, prize your ribs open and let you hold your actual beating heart in your greasy superstitous hands.  Idiots.

Here are a few examples.  I’d run a “spot the dick head” competition, but it’s fairly obvious.  They are the guys with the “Man I love my Country so much I jerk over our presidents picture..” look on their faces.