US Presidential Election 2008

30 10 2008

Arguing on the web is fun.  No, in fact, arguing on the web is about as much fun as you can have online with other people around.  It’s the most fulfilling thing in the world to sit at your desk, stand up in a crowded room (figuratively speaking, of course), and declare that a fellow forum member is, contrary to popular belief, a complete douche bag. And then not get hit.  It’s great.  The only pass time close to it is getting two huge, muscle bound, and above all loyal friends and heading into London to mouth off at the bouncers.  But that carries risk so I tend to avoid it.

Now, I know what people say, that arguing on the internet is like competing at the Special Olympics.

“Even if you win, you’re still a retard”

This is an opinion NOT shared by me and I for one am disgusted whenever anyone uses this saying.  There’s NOTHING Special about the special Olympics, it’s not even a competition, it’s a way of making the organisers feel like they are providing “life enrichment” to the mentally hanicapped, when in reality they are actaully treating them like Race horses.  Hmm, maybe there should be a South Park episode about this..

Wow, that’s a tangent.  Ok, back to arguing on the internet.  I was on a forum recently discussing who I’d like to win the election, based on what I’ve seen in the media.  It was a fair discussion, without any name calling or angry faces.  However, after a few posts, an angry American guy (probably 13) jumped into the conversation telling everyone NOT from the US of A to STFU and stop talking about who should win the election, as it is nothing to do with us.  and then said we should vote McCain (so from Texas then as well, poor kid).  Ok, fair enough, at the outset he may be right.  We (anyone not living in the states) shouldn’t have a say or indeed a vote in the election as we don’t live in the US (I’m in England).  But then I had a think, and decided to stand up for my right to have a say in who should be the next US president.

Ok, here we go.  Hate mail is expected, but I don’t really care.  If you post me hate mail I’ll be happy to publish it for all to see.

The US president, whilst voted for by only US citizens (well, by about 5% of US citizens) has an  effect on the entire world.  Let’s look at George Bush (the dumber George Bush), he decided to invade Iraq and managed to get a host of other countries to join in.  Sure, for Great Britain it was Tony Blair’s final say on whether we joined up, but George Bush was the ring leader and happily lead us into a war that I feel is unresolvable and has had a high cost in regards to the lives of our soldiers.  A friend of mine was killed recently in Afghanistan, and whilst it wasn’t directly Bush’s fault, if it WASN’T for Bush he would not have had to fight and would still be alive.  If McCain becomes president, who’s to say he won’t lead us on another merry jaunt, possibly to Iran next time?  Now, tell me again that I can’t discuss the presedential election..